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Archives for : March2017

Local band signs distribution deal with European label

Local band signs distribution deal with European label

 Dave Mathieson
Published on March 31, 2017


Engage the Threat is currently recording their debut album at the Groove Factory in Amherst. The band is, (from left) Louis Sippley, Ernie Landry, Daamon Ross and Andre Bourgeios. Their debut album, Efficacy of Chaos, will be released in May of 2017, followed by concerts in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes throughout the summer.

©Submitted Photo

AMHERST – If you like the crooning, romantic melodies of Michael Bublé, then the sounds produced by Engage the Threat could prove fatal.


“It’s pretty aggressive music. There’s a lot of yelling and screaming, but you can still understand what I’m saying.” said Daamon Ross. “There’s melody and whatnot but it’s not Michael Bublé.”

 Right now its kind of fluid and in a state of change until we’ve ironed out all the little details but whatever we finalize here we have to kind of adhere to We want to make sure everything is lined up perfectly, and not just saying, ‘OK, that was good enough.Daamon Ross, vocalist and co-guitarist in Engage the Threat

The band features Ross on vocals and guitar; Amherst’s Ernie Landry on bass; Louis Sippley on guitar; and Andre Bourgeois on drums. Ross, Sippley and Bourgeois live in the Moncton area.

Engage the Threat are currently in the Groove Factory Studio in Amherst recording their debut album titled ‘Efficacy of Chaos’ which will be released sometime in May of 2017.

The need to record an album grew out of their live concerts, which were seen on Youtube by Hans Mondial Music, a music label based out of France.

 “They saw us, liked us and made a distribution deal before we even had a record,” said Ross.
 Local band signs distribution deal with European label
It was their live concerts posted on Youtube that caught the attention of the distributor, which led to signing a distribution deal contract before they had even made an album.
Submitted Photo

“We’ve become known for our live shows. They’re energetic and upbeat,” added Landry.

 The band describes their music as ‘groove-metal with elements of thrash.’
 “It’s guitar and drums heavy but unlike a lot of metal bands we don’t bury the base,” said Ross. “Ernie is really solid and holds down the rhythm in the background when Louis and I are doing solo co-leads on guitar.”

Their debut album will have 10 to 12 original songs.

 “Some of the songs have been around five years or so and some have been around longer than that but the ideas didn’t really come to fruition until I had the right line up,” said Ross. “When these guys came along I was actually able to work them out.”
 The current line up has been working together for about one year.
 Ross says the most difficult part of recording is “laying out tempo maps. We have songs where the tempo changes a dozen times.”
 The band races across those tempo maps at an incredibly fast rate of speed.
Local band signs distribution deal with European label
Three members of Engage the Threat, take a break from recording at the Groove Factory in Amherst. They are: (from left) Daamon Ross, Andre Bourgeois and Ernie Landry.
Dave Mathieson – TC Media

Want to see Engage the Threat Live at Montebello RockFest in Montreal?

Please vote daily. We know our great fans can help us make the top 10 in voting.

Thank You our fans are the driving force of what we do. The new Album is going to be released very Soon.

Engage the Threat Studio Photos for their New Album “Efficacy of Chaos”

Engage the Threat Signs Distribution Deal with HANS MONDIAL in FRANCE.

We are very pleased and proud to announce that we have teamed up with HANS MONDIAL in FRANCE on a distribution deal for Europe.
Signed the contract today.
Feels great to have distribution in place before we release album

We are also looking for Canadian & US Distribution Deals.